What’s Up, Doc?

The journey from limerence to potentiality

Karina "Cinerina"
6 min readOct 18, 2023

My first thought upon entering the venue was, “Oh wow, who is that?” Then I thought he was an old acquaintance who I knew from improv (who has gotten upsettingly sexy in the intervening years). Then I connected with my people who were there and secured the last empty table, conveniently close enough to this man to be able to gauge where I might have seen him before. But subtly, you know. Only like this on the inside:

Awestruck Bugs Bunny with hearts as pupils and surrounded by bubbly hearts
I’m so sorry that this image is from Space Jam

My instant reaction to him was not not even one of lust. I have had those, and this was different. I don’t believe in stuff like auras, but it was as if his aura was suddenly visible to me. Later, I connected it to the last time I had an inexplicable boom moment like this. Does it mean anything? My insatiable, ungovernable imagination needs something to chew on.

My piratical singing friend swooped in on his break to visit to introduce and then embarrass his handsome friend (who I’ll call Emmett) by pointing out how very hot he is. I admit the truth of the assessment with a smile and a shrug. Yes, he’s excessively handsome, and his hair is the stuff of shampoo commercials, but I wasn’t even paying attention to that. (Not a ton of attention, I mean, I did agree!)

With Emmett, I felt calm and collected and eager to talk to him; I had zero self-consciousness or…



Karina "Cinerina"

I used to write movie reviews. I used to do a lot of things. I’m starting over on learning to be a person.