Dear Slimer

Karina "Cinerina"
7 min readJan 10, 2020

A letter to the aether

A cartoon of the ghost called Slimer from Ghostbusters re-enacting the pottery wheel scene from the movie Ghost, with Bill Murray’s Ghostbusters character Venkman in the Demi Moore role
Image by Scott Lava — Used with Permission, really!

Dear Slimer -

I truly enjoy your company and I miss you. I hope you’re getting what you need. I wish you would let me provide some of it. You’re “genetically bad at communicating,” which is nonsense. All you had to do is send one text. “Happy New Year too!” Even better, “See you when you get back.” You could also have just come out and say you can’t see me any more and you would still be…



Karina "Cinerina"

I used to write movie reviews. I used to do a lot of things. I’m starting over on learning to be a person.